Sunday, November 24, 2013

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? By Joyce Carol Oates was an ok story.  I personally did not really like this story all that much. I thought that this was an extremely creepy story. Not like creepy scary but like creepy weird. I thought that something seriously bad and wrong was going to happen to Connie. I think Arnold wanted to kidnap her. He was really convincing to her too even though he let Connie be in control. He let Connie call all the shots. He said you can come with me or you can wait until your family comes home and they will suffer. He also did not let her get a phone or he was coming in. So he let Connie make the decision. I think it is really weird when he said he knew all that stuff about her. Right from that point on it gets really creepy. I did not like this story mainly because of the creepiness. I think if it was a little less stalkerish and crazy it would have been good. But that was the authors intention I suppose. I think the author picked a really good name for the story. This title has a lot of meaning behind it and gets you thinking about the story. I think that the title is saying that Connie cannot go anywhere anymore and that she is stuck with him. Arnold says in the end, “The place where you came from ain't there any  more, and where you had in mind is canceled out.” This is saying that you can’t go anywhere anymore and that Connie is stuck with him. He also mentions that she is the one that he has been looking for and that could be the meaning behind the second part of the title. I would only recommend reading this story if you are into the creepy weird things.